Thanksgiving Union Day E5 @ Giant San Diego

It's that time again. UNION DAY Thanksgiving Potluck! Let's get together and celebrate another year of paintball in San Diego. Looks like Ramon of Gotcha Escondido will be supplying some turkeys and AFPL some hams. If you'd like to contribute some sides like mashed potatoes that would be awesome.

Let's build a community! Back in 2010 the UNION was born to create a player environment for all skill levels. From the beginner to the high divisional player we mixed the levels together for a day of fun and loud music. It's a great way to meet the community and maybe create or jump on a team.

Cost: $45 per player pre-sale or $50 at the event.

BYO (bring your own)

Store bought

D3fy -  Gi Sportz - Giant Tactical


Check in 9am games at 10am

All skill levels welcome