SOCAL SCRIM #3 @ Adrenaline-Los Angeles

Time: 9am-1pm

Where: Adrenaline - Los Angeles

16921 S. Western Av. Gardena, Ca.

Cost: $45 per player Online

$50 at the event


2 new features for 2023 

  • start gate / Re Spawn wall. 
  • Concede / Towel buzzer located 50 snake sideline. For coach to concede / throw in the towel when their team is down to one live player. 

If you don’t have a team no problem. Come out and GROW Speedsoft!

RPS Airsoft is by far our top sponsor in Socal. They’ll be at the 

event ready to get your gear running 100%

Thank you RPS for all the support!

Always looking to train a referees so please contact us and we can train you at this event.